Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Exciting Life of Elder Grant

First, I got the package but it was partly robbed. I got the socks and the shirt, a broken pedometer and open bags of candy and beef jerky. Oh well, that's life. It comes with challenges. I wasn't mad. God puts little things like that in our way constantly so it's not a big deal. He wants to test us to see how we react. 

What to say about this week? It has been an adventure! Well let me pull out my journal and I'll hit you all up. I am sorry if my letters can be a little boring but the problem is, well, I just don't notice the weird things anymore. Like it is just normal to shower with water out of a bucket, eat bugs in my food, buy purified water or boil my water. It is just kind of normal but it is fun! I will say I do quite enjoy the shower every morning. We have to fill a tub of water with a bucket out of our sink and then I stand in the bathroom, that has no door, and I pour cold water over my head until I'm clean. So it's nifty.

This week we have had some good and some rough experiences. We don't know why but its so hard right now to find new investigators. On the bright side, we found a turtle and then we killed it (sorry Aunt Tracie --Robin) and then, for kicks and giggles, we ate it. And by golly, it was delicious. That was the first time, in my whole life, I have eaten turtle and it was quite tasty! I figured I would share that with you all. 

Also this week we found a crazy guy who said if we tried to get him to stop drinking, his twenty guys with guns would shoot us. We told him to keep on drinking. He was just a crazy old man, so don't worry. 

Also, this week has been good with some investigators. (Side note, this computer won't put my pictures on) We have a family that we are teaching. The familia Tuy is great. Our lessons have been great with them. The only problem is that the wife doesn't believe anything unless it is in the bible. So we are working on her.

Well, it has been an hour. Thanks for all. Love ya tons!

Con amor,
Elder Grant 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

It is a Pet Deer

Well first of all, I am mad as I can get that you dare sell the van. The man-van deserves so much better than that. I hope you know that I never want to come home now. You are so mean! Hahaha I received the funniest letter this last week. It is the one about the snake from Mom. I have never been happier to read a letter. Then I shared it with my companion and I may share it with the District. Thanks for giving me a well needed laugh.

I hope all is well with you because things here have been great. We have found some weird stuff this week. We found a family who has a pet deer, yes a deer. It's not like some weird Guatemalan deer. It is a white tail deer - if you all wanted to know. It is friendly, like in you can pet it! How much does that happen in Idaho? Like never because they run away super quickly. That was super cool. She sleeps in the house with the family and basically it is just really cool. And I am super pumped because I had the opportunity to pet a deer and will probably continue going to go see it. 

Today we played ultimate frisbee and I learned many things. One thing is that my mouth has gotten much better in competitive environments. I still like to yell silly things while playing sports and I am super out of shape. But man it is so fun. 

Well, I don't know what's up this week but the Mission has been doing horribly. I think that the majority of the problems come from being sinful, especially the leadership. We must be obedient to receive blessings. 

Well I gotta go. I love you all tons!

Con amor,
Elder Grant

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Letter from President Ruiz

We received an email and a letter from Collin's new mission president today. They also sent along a picture. We think he has a new companion. Thank good ness for Google Translate. The first is the email and the second is the letter.

"Buenos días es un gusto saludarles,


Es grato para nosotros informar del buen trabajo de su hijo. Él ha sido una inspiración a muchas personas en Retalhuleu, Guatemala  por su  testimonio, valentía, dignidad  y su labor abnegada en bienestar de los débiles de esta tierra.    Estas escrituras describen claramente  lo que él es ahora:


D y C 1: 4 y 5.

“Y la voz de amonestación irá a todo pueblo por boca de mis discípulos, a quienes he escogido en estos últimos días.   E irán y no habrá quien los detenga, porque yo, el Señor, los he mandado.”


Alma 57:27

“Ésta, pues, fue la fe de aquellos de que he hablado; son jóvenes, y sus mentes son firmes, y ponen su confianza en Dios continuamente.”


Alma 13: 3

“Y ésta es la manera conforme a la cual fueron ordenados, habiendo sido llamados y preparados desde la fundación del mundo de acuerdo con la presciencia de Dios, por causa de su fe excepcional y buenas obras, habiéndoseles concedido primeramente escoger el bien o el mal; por lo que, habiendo escogido el bien y ejercido una fe sumamente grande, son llamados con un santo llamamiento, sí, con ese santo llamamiento que, con una redención preparatoria y de conformidad con él, se dispuso para tales seres”.


Les agradecemos la fe que han depositado en esta maravillosa obra, al confiarnos a su hijo."

Retalhuleu, 17 de Agosto de 2013.


Estimados padres de Elder Grant:

Deseamos informarles que su hijo está sirviendo como Líder de Distrito en la Misión Retalhuleu en Guatemala.  Un Líder de Distrito es aquel misionero destacado entre sus compañeros, por su liderazgo, cualidades excepcionales y es un misionero que bautiza, por lo cual, se le ha dado la confianza de dirigir un grupo de misioneros para capacitarlos según el modelo del manual Predicad Mi evangelio, herramienta fundamental de enseñanza.

Apreciamos muchísimo el entusiasmo y el deseo de su hijo de servir al Señor y a sus semejantes en este maravilloso tiempo.  

Él está en las manos del Señor, pero necesitará su aliento y apoyo.  Él se enfrenta a pruebas y desafíos que lo fortalecerán y lo beneficiarán eternamente. En este mes de Agosto y Septiembreiniciará un gran desafío para él su noble compañero, dando el 100% de su alma, mente y fuerza con el objetivo de traer muchas almas al Señor. El y su compañero se han establecido lameta de buscar y bautizar personas en Agosto y 3 Septiembre.

Les exhortamos a que lo ayuden a disfrutar de este desafío, anímenle a trabajar duro, a combatir el desconsuelo, a amar a su compañero y a las personas a quienes enseñe.  Anímenle a confiar en el Señor y buscar su guía por medio de su Espíritu.  

Ustedes pueden ayudar a su hijo a trabajar fuertemente en la obra misional, a través de sus oraciones, de cartas inspiradoras y con palabras de aliento.  Nos comprometemos a hacer todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para ayudar a su hijo a servir una misión exitosa y a desarrollar su potencial divino.  Les agradecemos la fe que han depositado en esta maravillosa obra, al confiarnos a su hijo.  Que el Señor les bendiga.




Pdte. y  Hermana Ruiz

Misión Retalhuleu, Guatemala

Monday, August 12, 2013

Jey que tal?

Hey ya'll. What's up? I'm doing fine, in fact I'm doing just fantastic. Today was a super fun p-day. We went to a cool museum and now here we are writing. It was quick, fast, and easy so I have no problem with it. Also, the mission life is good!

I have had a lot of learning this week, especially over what it truly means to be a member of the church.  I have learned that as members we promise to do so many things and, like a motor that doesn't work if it doesn't have all the parts, salvation doesn't work if we don't include all the parts. I learned how important it really is to be a member who shares the gospel. Now this doesn't mean that everyone we talk to gets converted or that no one even listens. It means that we will try. Really that is all that God asks of us. We always need to try. We aren't perfect and He knows that but if we try Christ's atonement makes up for the rest. So, that is my spiritual thought for the week. Sorry it is so scatter brained.

As far as the work here, the whole zone is having a rough time, especially getting people to church. Nobody can get their investigators to go. It stinks! But the Lord will help us find a way to fix that. The Lord gives us these challenges for a reason. For example, maybe in my life things won't go the way I want, in fact, they probably won't. So, the Lord is helping me to learn for the future. The Lord is helping me to become a better person. I came out here wanting to be a baptizing machine and though I work with all my might, mind, and strength, I'm simply not a baptizer. But, I have  learned that even in the face of hardship you just need to buckle down and get to work. And that's what I do and it has helped immensely. Other than that not a whole lot has happened this week. Well, it's time to go! Bye. Love you all!

Con amor,
Elder Grant

Hanging out at the museum.

Elder Grant and Elder Ortega, District buddies

Elder Grant and Elder Saunders with their mustaches

Monday, August 5, 2013

Greetings Family

Hey family! well I'm writng you after a very fun pday. We went mini golfing and it was great! We had much fun and as you can see by the pictures I have flawless form. Also, I sent a picture of me and a little girl while im holding a tooth brush so its really funny! That's gross because her teeth are very icky.

To answer a few questions, we do not have rainbows here. They simply don't exist. Also, let Whitney know that she won't see her passport from the day she enters Quate. It all goes to the church office and then it is returned when you leave. Also let her know that it is really hot here but not in Quetz and drunks are funny. Let Uncle Wayne know that I am close to Mazatenango. It is pretty cool there. They have a Taco Bell! I met the Quatemala City Temple President once and he is cool. San Marcos rules because it is cold but Xela stinks because it isn't in my mission. Hahaha

I don't have too much to say this week except that I will tell you my miracle. We finally had a family at church that is so prepared. They want to know which church is true! Also I learned that as a leader I need to give more of myself and though sometimes I will feel as though my area will suffer, it will help others and that's what Christ did. He gave his whole life and incredible treasure so that everyone has an oporunity for a better life. As a representative of him I need to help the others in my district. Well, I would love to write more but thanks to some district issue and problems, I must leave. Well, love ya tons! Bye.

Con amor,
Elder Grant

Maybe he was teaching her to use a toothbrush. 

This must be where the golf pros sit.

Perfect form? Does that include the pen in his mouth?